POA may be utilized for the sale or deregistration of a vehicle. Unit Commanding Officers must grant authorization for a military member E-6 and below to issue a POA in the case of a permanent change of station (PCS). A copy of the letter and POA must be presented to the Pass and Registration Office prior to out-processing. POAs are not to be a convenience for members and should not be misused; personnel should make every attempt to sell their vehicles prior to departure.
a. The POA must contain the following clause stating: "In the event of failure to sell or otherwise dispose of the vehicle covered by the POA within the 120 day period, PMO will begin the procedure to deregister and dispose of the-vehicle."
b. PDI and JCI must be valid the entire time the POA is in effect. PDI must be in the name of the authorized holder.
c. When a POA is authorized, the owner issuing the POA and the recipient must report to the Pass and Registration Office to complete an acceptance of responsibility record. It is the person who holds the POA who will be held liable for ensuring all maintenance is maintain and deregistration is conducted prior to the expiration of the POA.
d. The POA cannot be greater than the time left on the liability insurance or JCI, and will not exceed 120 days. In addition, the recipient of the POA must have greater time remaining on station than the duration of the POA.
e. The POA must be issued to an active duty service member or self-sponsored civilian in the MCAS Iwakuni community with a valid Operator's Permit.
f. The vehicle must be deregistered or sold no later than 7 business days prior to expiration of the POA. Federal and Japanese holidays must be taken into consideration.