In many cases, members arrive before their shipments. Verify your personal e-mail address is up-to-date on your shipping document listed on your DPS profile. The Transportation Service Provider (TSP) will contact you via your personal e-mail once your household goods arrived in the country. If the TSP does not reach out to you after the required delivery date stated in your DD1299, please reach out to the inbound section at the joint personal property office. Yokosuka Naval base at or DSN 315-243-5426.
Scheduling Delivery
Once you find a residence, coordinate with the TSP for a delivery date at DSN 315-253-5489/4714. The actual delivery day will depend on the local agent’s schedule. Deliveries are not scheduled on weekends or holidays. You can schedule your delivery over the phone or through e-mail.
Members Responsibilities
You or your representative must be home on the day of delivery. Know in advance where you want each piece of furniture placed in your new residence. The mover is required to place each piece only one time. Check each carton or item off the inventory. Make sure everything that was picked up is delivered.
List any damaged or missing items with appropriate inventory numbers on the "Joint Statement of Loss or Damage at Delivery" (DD Form 1840) to avoid problems. Make sure you carefully look over your property and list any missing inventory line items or noticeable damage at this time.
Bear in mind that if you waive unpacking, the carrier is not required to return later to unpack or remove the empty cartons and crates. If at any time you decide to assist the carrier - that is, help load/unload the truck - you relieve the carrier of any liability.
TSP Responsibility
You can expect the TSP to begin service between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. The start and completion of any service provided by the carrier can vary depending on the type of move - local, unaccompanied baggage, international shipment, etc.
At the time of delivery, the carrier must:
Unpack and unwrap all cartons, boxes, and crates.
Assemble all furniture and equipment disassembled by the TSP at the origin.
Remove all packing material resulting from the unpacking.
Record any loss or damage on DD Form 1840R "Notice of Loss or Damage ", sign the document and obtain your signature.
Quality Assurance
At some time during delivery of your personal property, an inspector representing the destination transportation office may drop by to check on your delivery. If you have any questions or problems, inform the inspector or contact the Personal Property Office Quality Control section at DSN 315-253-4763.
High-Value Items
By federal law, the Government may not pay more than $50,000 per claim. If the value of your household goods is greater than $50,000, the Member should obtain their own personal insurance to guard against a total loss. There are also maximum amounts that can be paid on most items. Some examples of maximums are:
Claimants are expected to have insurance above these amounts.
Storage-In-Transit (SIT)
Your basic entitlement for temporary storage is 90 from your Required Delivery Date (RDD). If you have a legitimate need to extend your storage, you must submit a request to the inbound section at the Joint Personal Property Shipping Office (JPPSO) Yokosuka at or DSN 315-243-5426:
Serious illness of the member.
Impending assignment to Government quarters.
Directed TDY/TAD after arrival at their duty station.
You must submit your request before the expiration date to extend your storage.
Outbound Process
1. Begin planning your move as soon as you receive your Orders/Endorsement Letter. Decide the type of shipment(s) you would like to arrange and then create a shipment on Defense Personal Property System (DPS). Visit Military OneSource to get started.
2. When you are selecting your DMO pack out date, ensure you provide at least a three (3) week lead for scheduling purposes. If the date you are requesting falls within three weeks of your requested date, please contact DMO to see if there are earlier options available.

Figure 1 (Marine Web Order)

Figure 2 (Navy Order)
3. Once you complete your DPS shipment(s), provide DMO the following key supported documents at;
4. DMO will get back to you within 48 business hours from your submission to confirm all key supporting documentation. Be prepared to answer questions about your weight estimate, delivery address, and any special items that need to be moved. If you have not heard back from DMO within the timeframe, please contact our office at DSN 315-253-6256.
Note: Excess weight can cost you BIG money! If household goods exceed the weight allowed, the member is required to pay for excess costs.
Note: Ensure you use your personal e-mail address for your DPS account, while in en-route you might have access to your government account.
2,000 pounds for an active-duty Service member with command-sponsored family members. The 2,000-pound weight limit is for the entire family, not for each traveler.
600 pounds for an active-duty Service member assigned to furnished bachelor enlisted quarters or bachelor officer quarters. Note: Service members are entitled to one shipment; either HHG or UB (the size of the items will determine the type of shipment)
Spouse Pro-Gear Worksheet
Slide of Items considered as Pro-Gear for Member/Spouse
Special Duty Assignment (SDA) school
JTR Weight Allowance for Accompanied Personnel (Pounds)
JTR Weight Allowance for Accompanied Personnel (Pounds)
Grade |
With Dependents |
Without Dependents |
1 |
O-10 to O-6 |
18,000 |
18,000 |
2 |
O-5 or W-5 |
17,500 |
16,000 |
3 |
O-4 or W-5 |
17,000 |
14,000 |
4 |
O-3 or W-3 |
14,500 |
13,000 |
5 |
O-2 or W-2 |
13,500 |
12,500 |
6 |
O1, W-1, or Service Academy Graduate |
12,000 |
10,000 |
7 |
E-9 |
15,000 |
13,000 |
8 |
E-8 |
14,000 |
12,000 |
9 |
E-7 |
13,000 |
11,000 |
10 |
E-6 |
11,000 |
8,000 |
11 |
E-5 |
9,000 |
7,000 |
12 |
E-4 |
8,000 |
7,000 |
13 |
E-3 to E-1 |
8,000 |
5,000 |
14 |
Aviation Cadet |
8,000 |
7,000 |
15 |
Service Academy Cadet or Midshipman |
350 |
Weight Allowance for Unaccompanied Personnel for OCONUS Location
Weight Allowance for Unaccompanied Personnel for OCONUS Location
Service and Traveler |
Tour Type |
Administratively Reduced Allowance |
USMC Service member |
Unaccompanied |
600 lbs of unaccompanied baggage.
Note: No other HHG shipments are authorized based on the limited size of the BOQ and BEQ and lack of storage.
10 percent of the full HHG weight allowance, if the service member has written authorization from the installation commander to reside in off-base quarters.
Note: A copy of the advance written authorization must be provided to the Transportation Officer prior to transportation of HHG.
USN Service member assigned to a USMC command based on an agreement between HHG NAVSUP and USMC I&L |
Unaccompanied |
600 lbs of unaccompanied baggage.
Note: No other HHG shipments are authorized based on the limited size of the BOQ and BEQ and lack of storage.
10 percent of the full HHG weight allowance, if the service member has written authorization from the installation commander to reside in off-base quarters.
Note: A copy of the advance written authorization must be provided to the Transportation Officer prior to transportation of HHG.
The weight allowance for Household Goods (HHG) that may be shipped at government expense is specified in the Joint Travel Regulations (JTR 051401). These weights include the weight of all household goods you ship, placed into storage, or send as unaccompanied baggage. It also includes goods you already have stored at government expense. Two factors govern the weight allowance for household goods: Pay Grade and dependents.
Household Goods (HHG):
Items associated with home and all personal property belonging to member and dependents on the effective date of the member’s PCS order. Also included are spare parts for a privately owned vehicle (extra tires and wheels, tire chains, tools, battery chargers, accessories) and a pickup tailgate when removed to install a camper. Snowmobiles, motorcycles, mopeds and golf carts may be shipped as household goods. Ask DMO for more information.
Unaccompanied Baggage (UB):
Commonly referred to as "Express Shipment", part of member’s weight allowance of HHG’s that is separated from the bulk of the HHG’s is usually transported by expedited mode. Limited in weight based on new assignment location; cannot contain furniture but can contain clothing, bedding & linens, pots & pans, small electronics and collapsible baby items such as a crib, high chair, stroller, etc. IAW, Joint Travel Regulations (JTR), 051403.
(Professional Books, Papers & Equipment (PBP&E) weight is limited to 2,000 lbs. for Service Members and 500 lbs. for Spouse (prior approval from their Commander is required for Spouse Pro Gear). Pro-Gear includes items in Service Member’s possession needed for the performance of official duties at the next duty station. Pro-Gear must be declared at origin AND documented on inventories (M-Pro for member; S-Pro for spouse).
Non-Temporary Storage (NTS):
Long-term HHG storage in lieu of transportation. If authorized based on orders, items you do not wish to ship to your new duty station; utilized at origin (pickup) location; items may remain in NTS for the duration of your tour (some restrictions may apply depending on the type of orders you hold). Example of PCS orders include:
1. You will utilize your new set of orders to release your NTS upon completion of school/ TAD.
2. You will be notified via email from your respective Joint Personal Property Shipping Office (JPPSO) if your NTS is near the expiration date. If you require an extension, respond to the email with proper documentation.
Non-Temporary Storage Release (NTSR):
The release from the storage facility of long-term storage on official military orders. Must have a physical address to conduct a NTSR.
IPAC Outbound will provide a DMO endorsement letter. With this order, you will be able to start the process of shipping your personal property. Travel to Home of Selection (HOS) Authorized - Members authorized travel and transportation allowance from last Permanent Duty Station (PDS) when:
Retired for physical disability or placed on the Temporary Disability Retired List (or TDRL) without regard to length of service;
Retired with pay for any reason immediately following at least 8 years of continuous active duty (includes transfer to Fleet Reserve/Fleet Marine Corps Reserve);
Separated with severance/separation pay after 8 years;
Involuntarily released from active duty with readjustment or separation pay immediately following 8 years.
Travel to a selected home must be completed within 1 year after active duty termination. Service members are authorized to shipment to one of the following:
Home of selection
A place other than the HOS limited in cost to the HOS, HOR, or place entered active duty
Non-Temporary Storage
Members are now eligible to request shipment of alcoholic beverages as part of their HHG shipments. Alcoholic beverages are not considered by Customs and Boarder Protection (CBP) to be either household goods or personal effects. Consequently, they are not eligible for duty-free treatment on entry to the United States. Because imports of alcoholic beverages are subject to state regulation, it is very important that members do their homework before shipping alcoholic beverages to the Continental United States (CONUS).
Members are responsible for completing the requirements for the shipment of alcoholic beverages to their destination(s) when shipped with their HHG Shipment. Members must inform DMO at the time of their counseling that they are shipping alcohol. Failure to inform the DMO of the intent to ship alcoholic beverages can result in shipment not being picked up on the scheduled date. Members must understand the Carrier/TSP has the right to refuse to pack alcoholic beverages without penalty. Inclusion of alcoholic beverages within HHGs shipments presents additional risk considerations. By electing to include alcoholic beverages in government-procured transportation, members are advised that there is no climate control environment during transit or storage, and shipments are often exposed to extreme temperatures. This may cause some alcoholic beverages to freeze, explode or spoil. In addition, inclusion of alcoholic beverages counts toward members authorized weight allowance.
Required Alcohol Documentation;
Prohibited Items in Alcoholic Beverages;
Beverages containing wildlife/wildlife parts, such as snakes, scorpions, etc.
Beverages with agricultural products, such as root products, etc.
Beverages carbonated or under pressure to include champagne, pressurized beer products, Chu-Hi's.
* Pretty much NO can products*
The following website contain additional information on the importation of alcoholic beverage into the US:
Claim Process
The Transportation Service Provider (TSP) MUST mark your shipment as "delivered complete" status before you can start the claim process.
If it has been more than a week after delivery, contact your local Personal Property Office (PPO) for assistance.
If your property is lost or damaged, the claim is filed directly with the TSP through your DPS move application.
For Full Replacement Value or like the item:
At any time during the process, all or part of the claim may be turned over to the Military One Source (Personal property claims).
TSP may offer a quick claim settlement.
TSP is responsible for obtaining repair estimates.
Member and TSP negotiate a settlement through DPS
TSP must pay, deny or offer to settle a final claim within 60 days of receipt of completed DPS claim.
Documenting and reporting a loss and/or damages:
At the time of delivery, the carrier will give you five copies of a two-sided pink DD Form 1840R (Notice of Loss or Damage).
All damage and/or loss plus estimated dollar amount of loss and/or damage you notice at delivery should be identified on the front side of the DD Form 1840R by inventory number, name of the item, and type/extent of damage or loss.
Documents required for a Personal Property Claims
DD Form 1842 and 1844 (Claims Forms form the Company)
DD Form 1840
Receipts, paid bills, canceled checks, pre-shipment appraisals, photographs, or other evidence if available to substantiate the value of the items being claimed.
Estimates of repair: A repair estimate should be in writing on a business form or letterhead and should be signed and dated by the person preparing it
How to File a Claim?
The initial claim is started within your DPS account. Information on claims process can be found at; (Military One Source, Personal property claims).
I submitted my damage claim and haven't heard from anyone
If DPS was used to arrange the shipment, claims for loss/damages are submitted online using DPS. The TSP will review the claim online and communicate settlement directly through DPS. The TSP has 60 days to pay, deny or make an offer of settlement on the claim. If an offer is accepted, the TSP has 30 days to make payment. If the member has not heard from their TSP within that timeframe they should notify the responsible destination PPPO. Members may also transfer part or all of the claim to their MCO. Navy MCO can be contacted by email at